Hi! I am Richard
and here I play with ideas. I hope to understand the world (and myself) better and share things what I discovered with others.
You can find here posts about:
And also my unfiltered thoughts in letters/ journal

Richard Vesely photo

3 questions for happiness

Here are three questions that determine most of your happiness in life: What am I working on and why? Who...

May 30, 2024

Fuck being normal

I like this quote: “Statistically speaking a normal person is: Physically unhealthy Emotionally anxious and depressed* Socially lonely Financially in...

May 29, 2024

The 1000-published-words-a-day experiment

Lately I have often felt a need to write about something that interests me while I was away from keyboard....

February 16, 2024

How to behave acceptably without surpressing emotions?

Dear reader, I want to share with you an important realization I got today. Which is then often, when I...

February 10, 2024

My main purpose in teaching science

Next year I am going to teach science to high school students and right now this thought thrills me more...

February 02, 2024

How to catch a cheater with math (math & coding exercise)

This problem is inspired by a game from the Primer YouTube channel.

May 15, 2023